Vivek Parekh Consultancy

About Us


V.P. Consultancy serves as your guiding compass in the intricate realms of complexities.
Our dynamic team, comprised of seasoned professionals in engineering, architecture, valuations, legal expertise, and project management, stands as our greatest asset, committed to upholding the highest professional standards.
From Blueprint to Brilliance: Signature Touch in Project, Liasoning, and Development.
At V.P. Consultancy, our consultancy stands as a beacon, offering all-encompassing solutions tailored to the unique needs of each project. From initial assessment to the intricacies of design and development, VP Consultancy excels in delivering comprehensive services. With a commitment to excellence, we navigate the complexities of PMC, ensure seamless communication through Architectural Liasoning, and orchestrate Developer Management strategies, creating a synergy that propels our clients towards unparalleled success
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At V.P. Consultancy, our mission is to simplify real estate and legal processes for our clients, making a positive impact on their lives and businesses through dependable and specialized services that empower their success. Our focus on excellence underscores our dedication to our clients’ success.


At V.P. Consultancy, our vision is to establish ourselves as the most trusted advisor in the real estate and legal sectors by providing unsurpassed qual!ity services to our clients. Our strength lies in assembling a team of seasoned experts, spanning engineers, architects, valuations,!legal proficiency, project management, and many more. We are dedlcated to deii,ver unparallleled professionalism within the real estate industry.


At V.P. Consultancy, our purpose is to achieve project and client objectives. With integrity and transparency being the foundation of VP consultancy, we strive to deliver quality work within budget and specified timelines, maintaining our competitiveness and upholding high standards of growth. Recognizing that every client possesses unique needs, we persistently strive to identify and fulfill those distinctive requirements.
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